Sunday, October 18, 2009

i'm joining the nike+ human race 2009

yay! i was able to sign up for the nike+ human race 2009 here in SG.

i finally got my race pack last friday at the singapore flyer. i think this was part of the deal that nike made here in singapore as the race will start and finish near the flyer grounds.

i got:
  • the human race 2009 singlet. it's in red and everyone must wear this. now how am i gonna match this with my current running shoes. boo!
  • race day guide/booklet. this includes time table for the event, first aid and hydration points along the 10K route, advisory if there's bad weather, live entertainment
  • a new nike bottle. this one's exactly the same to what i bought a year a go. boo!
  • and my race bib, which includes a d-tag. the d-tag will be worn on the runner's shoe laces and contains microchips of some sort that will record my performance. this is similar to the ones used in urbanite and run for home in manila.
my race tee, race day guide, my bib + d-tag and free bag

my loot. freebies include the a nike water bottle (my existing bottle is the one on the left), 100 plus drink, discount coupon for the singapore flyer and another coupon for starbucks coffee. korni toh.

anyway, i'm looking forward to this race. and will of course blog about the results and happenings after october 25.

if you would like to participate virtually, just surf over to nike+ website and sign-up in the human race challenge. of course, you'd have to have a nike+ account and any of the following: nike+ sportsband, ipod/iphone and the nike+ sports kit to be able to record and sync your runs to the internet.

see you around.

i have to go back to blogging and running, regularly.

ever since i went here, i kind fell under some sort of blog hiatus, and honestly, my running as well. i think that it's because i don't have work (yet!) so there's no routine for me to look forward to.

my typical weekday goes something like this:
  • wake up at 8/9am
  • check mail, facebook, twitter, multiply, fridae, etc
  • log-in to YM
  • maybe run or swim
  • lunch
  • errands or job application-related stuff
  • gym
  • dinner
  • catch up on TV series or read books
  • sleep

so, now... i'm finalizing the things for my life here. details to surface in this blog soon 'cause i don't want to jinx anything.

i'm looking forward to running in the Nike+ Human Race 2009 this 25th of october.

run with me some more!

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